2025 Global Tech Coding Workshop

글로벌 테크 기업의 경험 많은 UX 디자이너와 엔지니어들이 이끄는 독점적인 창의 코딩 워크숍 개최.

The Carnegie Institute is excited to host an exclusive Creative Coding Workshop, led by experienced UX Designers and Engineers from global technology companies. This workshop is designed to provide hands-on experience in computational thinking and creative coding, integrating real-world problem-solving skills with innovative design processes.

The event is open to all students enrolled in the Creative Storytellers, Young Programmers, Computational Inventors, and AI Visionaries tracks who are currently in Year 1 Quarter 2 or above.

Workshop Highlights

  • Interactive Sessions: Students will have the opportunity to engage in real-world coding challenges, from basic programming to advanced computational thinking.

  • Expert Guidance: Students will have the opportunity to learn from leading professionals in UX design and engineering from top global technology companies.

  • Project-Based Learning: Students will have the opportunity to develop their own creative projects, blending code with storytelling, design, and innovation.

Preparatory Classes (준비반)

Preparatory classes will be offered during the Summer and Fall semesters to help students build foundational skills and gain confidence before attending the workshop.

준비반 문의: 02-3482-3888


The Girls Who Code club is a welcoming and empowering space for girls who are passionate about technology, coding and creativity. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and equip young girls with the skills and confidence to pursue their interest in computer science and computational creativity. This club provides a supportive environment for girls at all levels to learn, collaborate, and grow, while also encouraging and uplifting one another in their journeys as future leaders.

Girls Who Code 클럽은 기술, 코딩, 창의력에 열정을 가진 여학생들을 위한 공간입니다. 여학생들에게 컴퓨터 과학과 컴퓨팅 창의력에 대한 관심을 키울 수 있도록 영감을 주고, 교육하며, 필요한 기술과 자신감을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 클럽은 다양한 레벨과 트랙의 여학생들이 함께 배우고, 협력하며, 성장할 수 있는 지지적인 환경을 제공합니다. 또한, 서로의 여정을 응원하고 격려하며 미래의 리더로서 함께 성장할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

Coming Soon!

Club Meetings (TBC)

The club will meet every other week on Saturdays, offering hands-on coding sessions and meaningful project collaboration. Check back for more details or call: 02-3482-3888.

2024-25 Carnegie Institute Winter Camp

Summer programs at Carnegie Institute are offered to enrolled and new students in Kindergarten and Elementary School. Camp is 3 hours long, for either 3 or 5 days a week. The program includes Creative Coding classes to Beginner and Mid-Level students following our "Creative Storytellers", "Young Programmers" and "Computational Inventors" tracks (See: Curriculum).

For more information or to register, please call the Academy at: 02-3482-3888.

Closed: 카네기 겨울특강 사전등록
🦊카네기 영어코딩캠프🦊
Registration is currently closed.

Program Dates: January 7 ~ February 27 (7 weeks)

Grades: 1~3학년 | 3~5학년

Class Times: Tues~Thur 10:00~13:00

Tuition: 205,000 KRW weekly (3 days)

2024 Carnegie Institute Summer Camp

Summer programs at Carnegie Institute are offered to enrolled and new students in Kindergarten and Elementary School. Camp is 3 hours long, for either 3 or 5 days a week. The program includes Creative Coding classes to Beginner and Mid-Level students following our "Creative Storytellers", "Young Programmers" and "Computational Inventors" tracks (See: Curriculum).

For more information or to register, please call the Academy at: 02-3482-3888.

Program Dates

  • International Schools: June 25 ~ August 1 (6 weeks)

  • Korean Schools: July 22 ~ August 14 (4 weeks)

  • Kindergarten: August 5 ~ August 14 (2 weeks)

Grades (Class of 4~6)

  • Elementary Grades 1~2

  • Elementary Grades 3~5

  • Kindergarten (7세)

Class Times

  • Morning Class: 10:00 ~ 13:00

  • Afternoon Class: 13:30 ~ 16:30

Tuition: 205,000 KRW weekly (3 days) | 305,000 KRW weekly (5 days)